Current version has an icon defect where it shows the version number on the iOS home screen icon itself. It says 5.0(1) at the bottom of the icon on a gray line. That just looks dirty... should be cleaned up, its messy looking and messes with the cleanliness of the icon itself.
Very bad and blatant defect/bug: On Dells website if you configure a system and then go to Print Summary and when that comes up you convert it to PDF, the scripting which adds in the components gets left off and the config summary in the PDF your app creates is NOT the same as the webpage information being displayed. Try it, it happens every time. That makes it impossible to use your app for anything like that because I cant get quotes out to customers that require this type of info in a PDF. This bug has not been fixed in the latest build just released. Please fix it ASAP!
SwankPeRFection about PDF Printer for iPhone